While browsing through different blogs this morning I stumbled upon a few Dean Isidro photos from Venice, that I absolutely fell in love with. His dramatic textures & colors combined with beautiful models & dresses, just blew me away. I've always loved monochromatic blues. In high school, I took an art class where my concentration was blue self portraits. (I will try to find & post some of these later....) There's something about the color that has always intrigued me. It's calming and draws you in, yet also a bit depressing. The use of blue definatly adds a lot of emotion.
Dean Isidro's photographs reminded me of this girl Beth who I found on myspace. I absolutely love her photography as well. She takes the abandoned & neglected, and photographs them in a way that gives them new life & beauty. Much in the same way that us vintage collectors find abandoned & sometimes neglected dresses & work at giving them another life. I've always been fascinated by abandoned buildings and the occupants that once lived there, just like my love for vintage dresses & the stylish women of the past that wore them. At any rate, both photographers use of color & texture amaze me! I sense a series of my own photographs in the near future.... What do you think....
How beautiful would these dresses look like in a setting similar to one the previous photographs? I think the neutral colors & romantic feeling of these dresses would be a nice contrast to a textured dramatic background...