Isn't this photo beautiful?? It was taken on my birthday in Santa Cruz... I absolutely am not a morning person, but I just happened to wake up super early this particular morning to go to the bathroom, when I saw a little bit of light shinning through the small crack in the curtains. When I walked over to look outside, I was amazed at this beautiful scene! Isn't it gorgeous? Definatly one of God's many masterpieces! And what a perfect surprise to wake up to....
Although I may be pretty grumpy in the morning, there is something so peaceful & relaxing about waking up before the rest of the world does. Today after I took Damian to work, I was sitting in the living room just enjoying the peaceful quiet. I guess it's just nice to enjoy the silence once in awhile, before the stressors & worries of life begin to fill my day.
I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday weekend, & take a moment to enjoy one of God's many beauties... whether it be a peaceful morning, crashing wave, or beautiful sunrise/sunset...